School Policies

Please click on the following links for further information and details with regards to the School's Policies

Acceptable Use Policy – EYFS/KS1 

Acceptable Use Policy – KS2

Accessibility Plan

Admissions Policy 24/25

Anti-Bullying Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy

CCTV Policy

Complaints Procedure Policy

Computing Policy

Conflicts of Interest Policy

Charging Remissions Policy

Curriculum Policy

Document Retention Management Policy

Educational Visits Policy

Exclusions Policy 2023-24 

Equality Info Report and Objectives

First Aid Policy

Freedom of Information Act Policy

Governance Strategy

GDPR Data Protection Strategy

Health and Safety Policy


Medication and Management Policy

Mission Statement and Aims

Mobile and Smart Technology Policy

Music Policy

Online Safety Policy

Parent Carer Code of Conduct

Parent Debt Policy

Persistent & Vexacious Behaviour Policy

Physical Intervention policy

Promoting British Values

Prevent Duty

Prevent Policy Oct 2021

PHSE Policy

Pupil Mental Health Policy

Pupil Premium Statement-2021-2024

RE Policy

Reading Policy

Relationships and Sex Education Policy V2.0 2023-24

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Scheme of Delegation

Sports Premium 2023-24

Volunteers and Visitors Policy

Whistle Blowing Policy

Wrap-Around Care Complaints Procedure