Discovery Trust Admissions Consultation: Outcome to reduce the Published Admission Number in Discovery Schools

Wow! We had a massive response to the Rags2Riches4Schools clothing collection on Friday. Thank you for all your donations, the collection has raised over £195 additional funds for our school whilst helping the environment at the same time.
We are once again asking for your help in collecting good quality second hand clothes and shoes for the Rags2Riches4schools campaign, to help raise funds for the school’s PTA – Friends of Parkland. Please bring all bags to the school office on…
If you have a child due to start school in the Autumn Term 2024, the closing date for primary school applications is Monday 15 January 2024. Please click on the link below to apply if you have not already done so. …
Happy New Year to all our families! We look forward to seeing the children back in school on Tuesday 9 January 2024.
We would like to wish all our families a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you all when school re-opens on Tuesday 9 January 2024.
Discovery Trust are consulting on the proposed reduction of the Published Admission Number (PAN) for Parkland Primary School. We propose to reduce the Pupil Admission Number (PAN) for the Reception Year Group for September 2025/26 academic year and arrangements will continue in subsequent years,…